Devil may cry 1 cheats
Devil may cry 1 cheats

devil may cry 1 cheats

Get the best selection of Devil May Cry Cheats, Codes & Walkthrough/Guide/FAQ for PS2 from Cheat Code Central When fighting the Black Knight in Mission:5, buy holy water before you start the level and if you can't reach the 3rd level he is on use holy water to kill him. This will make the Sparda sword transform for the end of the combo. When doing a normal combo, take two slashes, then delay very briefly (immediately after he stops his sword swing for the second slash) and press Circle again to upslash twice, and one last time to stab or hard slash. You will be able to keep all your items such as the grenade launcher and all your swords. Successfully complete the game under the easy difficulty setting. Go upstairs and destroy the table directly across from the Grim Reaper with the rusty key. To get the shotgun for Dante, go into the room next to the Judge Of Death.

devil may cry 1 cheats

To get the All-star group photo, successfully complete the game with an S rank on all missions. Dante will be able to change into a demon with unlimited Devil Trigger. Successfully complete the game in Dante must die mode.

devil may cry 1 cheats

Successfully complete the game in Legendary Dark knight mode. You will be able to play as Sparda in this mode. Successfully complete the game under the hard difficulty setting. To Get Hard difficulty setting, successfully complete the game once. Once easy difficulty is selected, you will be locked into that setting for the remainder of the current game. An option for the easy difficulty setting will appear when starting then next level. To access Easy difficulty, intentionally use continues while completing one of the first three levels.

Devil may cry 1 cheats